Home Inspection Fees
A single family home inspection under 2500 Sq. Ft. requires 2 to 3 hours on site, the report and photo editing compiled back at the office takes another 2 to 3 hours to complete. This is in most cases why only one home inspection is book in a day.
A link will be e-mailed to you containing the report and color photos, shortly after the inspection. A copy of the report and photos can be sent by mail upon request. The observed conditions are plainly stated and the report is customized for each property inspected. My goal is to assist with your real estate transaction by providing accurate information. The digital photos are included to help document conditions.
Fees are based on house size, style, age, location and type of structure. Some people ask why my fees are higher than most inspectors. Aside from my years of experience and background, I spend time and money improving my inspection skills on a regular basis. THIS TRANSLATES INTO YOUR BENEFIT.
Other Services
Well and Water Testing——————125.00
(includes chloroform and e.coil bacteria test)
Termite inspection————————- 95.00
Radon Test———————————–95.00
Structure over 30 years of age————40.00
Pool/Hot Tub——————————– 75.00
(inground and operational)
Septic Flow Test—————————-call for quote
(occupied only)
New Home Phase Inspections———-call for quote
Some services completed by licensed companies and certified technicians